Why Can't I Submit This Form?

Why Can’t I Submit This Form?

We’re sorry you’re having trouble submitting a form on the ASJA website. Before emailing or calling us, check these things:

Is your internet connection working? (Are you online?)

It’s a basic question, but worth investigating. You were definitely online when you accessed the form, but you may have lost your connection while you were completing it. Your submission won’t go through without an internet connection.

Did you complete all required fields?

Required fields are information that you must include. These have either:

  • “required” next to the question or prompt, like in the image below.

  • a red or black asterisk, *, next to the question or prompt, like in the image below.

Are you trying to upload a file that is too large?

If your form requires you to upload files, make sure that you’re paying attention to file size. The maximum file size is indicated below the field.


If none of the above is a problem, try the following.

Clear your cache or cookies

This can help your computer and internet browser run more quickly and can fix issues that come up when submitting information through the internet. The links below offer steps for clearing your cache or cookies on your hard drive and in your browser.

On your computer

While your computer’s cache is not likely the problem, if it’s not cleared regularly, this cache can slow your internet connection, making it more difficult for websites to load and for online forms to be submitted.

How to clear cache on a Mac

How to clear cache on a PC

In your browser

Clearing your cache and cookies in your internet browser will help it access websites and better use tools like online forms.

How to clear cache and cookies in Google Chrome

How to clear cache and cookies in Safari

How to clear cache and cookies in Firefox

How to clear cache and cookies in Edge

Make sure your browser is updated

Browser updates fix bugs that sometimes interfere with how a website will work. Your browser, computer, tablet, or smartphone should alert you when you need to update.

How to update Google Chrome

How to update Safari

How to update Firefox

How to update Edge

Try a different internet browser

ASJA’s website is designed to work with all major internet browsers, but if you’re using something more obscure, you may try completing the form in one of the browsers listed above.

Note: Internet Explorer is now obsolete and is no longer being supported. If you are still using IE, we strongly recommend that you switch to a different browser.

Still having trouble?

Please complete the form below. You will be asked for the following information:

  1. Whether you are on the website or portal (www.asja.org or portal.asja.org)
  2. A link to the form you are trying to complete
  3. Day and time that you tried to submit the form
  4. The type of browser and version you are using. For example: Google Chrome, version 117.0.5938.149
  5. Type of machine you’re using to access and complete the form: smartphone, computer (laptop or desktop), or tablet (of any kind)
  6. If you got an error message, take a screenshot, and attach it to the email. If you can’t take a screenshot, copy and paste the text of the error message into the email. (How to take a screenshot on a desktop or laptop or on a smart phone.

Note: ASJA cannot offer personalized technical support. The links above were added to guide you in trouble-shooting issues and to help you report any problems that you cannot resolve. 

Taking the time to include the information above will help us address your issue with our website more quickly. We typically respond to messages within two business days, but it may take as long as five business days to respond. Thank you for your patience.

Note: ASJA cannot offer personalized technical support. The links above were added to guide you in trouble-shooting issues and to help you report any problems that you cannot resolve.