Officers’ terms are one year. At-large board members serve for three years on a rotating election schedule. A nominating committee, led by a board-appointed chair, recruits candidates to fill empty board positions. The slate of nominations is presented to membership in an annual election, and ASJA bylaws outline the requirements for elections.
Board of Directors
Terms Expiring 2025
Terms Expiring 2026
Terms Expiring 2027

The president, vice president and staff meet twice monthly to prepare for executive committee and board meetings. At monthly executive committee meetings, officers prepare and approve the board meeting agenda, as well as discuss proposals for the board to consider. The board meets monthly to ensure that all decisions forward the ASJA mission and comply with bylaws. During extended strategy sessions at least once each year, the board develops and discusses long-range plans. Special meetings may also be called.
Ongoing board responsibilities
- Oversee ASJA’s fiscal health
- Create and modify ASJA policies
- Oversee volunteer responsibilities and accountability
- Work directly with staff to develop strategies for membership and programming growth
Recent and current board projects
- Restructured ASJA’s legal structure (2019-2021)
- Oversaw the expansion of ASJA’s awards program (2020-2021)
- Oversaw ASJA’s first two virtual conferences (2020-2021)
- Revised ASJA bylaws (2021)
- Launched new ASJA website (2021)
- Launched regular virtual educational programming (2021)
- Oversaw ASJA’s lawsuit against the State of California (2019-2022)
- Initiate diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion process and programming (ongoing)
- Oversee new membership engagement programming (ongoing)
Past Presidents
Maurice Zolotow
Temple Fielding
Donald Robinson
Morton Sontheimer
James Poling
Robert L. Heilbroner
Morton Hunt
Jack Harrison Pollack
Lawrence Lader
Murray Teigh Bloom
Vance Packard
Gerald Walker
Bernard Asbell
Robert Bendiner
Norman M. Lobsenz
Jean Libman Block
Thomas J. Fleming
William Surface
Alfred Balk
Theodore Irwin
Jhan Robbins
Lin Root
David R. Zimmerman
Terry Morris
Patrick M. McGrady Jr.
Mort Weisinger
Ruth Winter
Dian Dincin Buchman
Grace W. Weinstein
Sally Wendkos Olds
June Roth
John H. Ingersoll
Evelyn Kaye
Dodi Schultz
Glen Evans
David W. Kennedy
Thomas Bedell
Katharine Davis Fishman
Florence Isaacs
Mark L. Fuerst
Janice Hopkins Tanne
Claire Safran
Eleanor Foa Dienstag
Samuel Greengard
Jim Morrison
Lisa Collier Cool
Jack El-Hai
Robert Bittner
Russell Wild
Salley Shannon
Minda Zetlin
Randy Dotinga
Sherry Beck Paprocki
Milt Toby
Laura Laing
Emily Paulsen