
ASJA 2024 Conference bg

Looking for other professional freelance writers?

You’re in the right place.

Join us for the first time.
Come back to ASJA.
Continue your membership.


If you’re a professional freelance writer (or need a little push to land national clients or a book contract), come on in!

Ready to join or move from associate membership to professional membership? Scroll down to get started.

Applications are required for anyone who has never been a member of ASJA and for current associate members who are ready for professional membership.

Please gather all supporting documents (urls and/or pdfs) before you begin your application. You cannot save your application to finish it later.

ASJA only accepts applications electronically and only through this website. Applications cannot be emailed or snail mailed. Supporting documentation must be submitted as links and/or pdfs.

If you have questions, find answers in our Membership Application FAQ.

Still not sure? Review our member benefits and hear how our members have benefited from their ASJA membership.

New Associate and Professional Members

Application required

Because ASJA is a professional freelance writers organization, application is required.* The process is the same for professional and associate membership. The application includes examples of published clips and media from recognized publications, websites and brands, as well as books. A fee of $310 is required to complete the application, which includes the annual membership dues.

To get started, if you don’t already have an online account set up for the ASJA website, you will need to click on the Member Login button at the top of this page and then in the dialog pop-up box, click “Set Up an Account.” Once you are logged in, click the “Start Application” button below to begin the application process.

*** Note that if you were previously an ASJA member, you do not need to reapply. See Renewing and Rejoining Members below. ***

Start Application

Associate Members Applying for Professional Membership

Application required

If you’re an associate member with national clips or have published two books with a traditional publisher, why not apply for professional membership? Associate members can apply for professional membership at any time during the year via the membership portal. There is no charge for this application. If the associate member applies for professional membership during the renewal period, they will pay only the next year’s dues of $235 (no initiation or application fees necessary!). If ASJA’s membership approval team decides that an associate member applying for professional membership is still not ready, the membership will be renewed at the associate level.

Start Application

Are you an ASJA member? Were you once a member? Welcome and welcome back!

Former and current ASJA members who are rejoining or renewing do not need to go through the application process. If you are a current or past ASJA member, do not reapply. Use the Rejoin/Renew button below instead.

Have you hung up your writing pen or computer keyboard? You can renew or rejoin as a retired member. See below for details.

Renewing or Rejoining Members

No application required

If you’re a current member, you simply need to renew your membership. Been a member in the past? You can also skip the application process, by clicking the button below. Membership dues are $235. If you’ve been paying half-dues for a professional membership*, just renew as a professional member and our system will charge the half-dues rate of $117.50. (This is not the same as a retired membership.)

Renew or Rejoin Now

Renewing as a Retired Member

No application required

What if you’re already a member, but you are no longer working as a freelance writer? Retired membership might be just the right fit for you. Because they’re no longer freelancing, retired members cannot attend client networking events, but they also pay half the price ($117.50) of regular dues. And we won’t ask your age. If you come back to writing and want client networking benefits again, just renew as a professional member.

Renew as a Retired Member

*ASJA discontinued its half-dues membership program in 2021. However, legacy half-dues members (those who were in our half-dues program) will continue to pay half-dues. If you are retired and no longer need all of ASJA professional membership benefits, you can renew or rejoin as a retired member for $117.50.  If you have questions, please email before renewing or rejoining.

Member Success Stories

How have ASJA members used their membership to succeed and grow as freelancer writers? Most members report that making connections with other writers — through programs like Client Connections (virtual and live), Virtual Pitch Slams and conferences — is the greatest benefit of ASJA membership.

These Success Stories demonstrate the power of ASJA membership.

Member Success Stories