Balancing Freelance While a Full-Time Employee
May 16, 2024, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm ET
Freelance Life, Personal, ProductivityWriters and journalists often determine if they want to work for themselves as a freelancer or someone else as a full-time employee. While each path offers benefits, it’s not always an easy choice. But, why do we have to choose? It is possible to do both with the right mix of balance and boundaries.
In this virtual education session, you’ll hear from three experienced writers and ASJA members who are full-time employees in various industries, while also continuing their freelance careers. They’ll share their honest experiences with pros and cons along with tips for balance, discipline, and time management. The panelists will also discuss ethics and how they handle any potential conflicts of interest. While freelancing in addition to being a full-time employee can be challenging, it can also be a fun, rewarding opportunity to grow professionally and personally while making additional income.
Visit the ASJA Member Portal for access to the online recording.