ASJA: Always in Fashion, NYC2025 Feb. 24-26 at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York is more than a month away. But if you want to participate in Client Connections 2025, ASJA’s signature networking event for professional members, don’t delay! Client Connections 2025 registration ends today, Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.

Client Connections 2025 takes place during the conference on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1-4 p.m. Eastern time.
If you’re still on the fence about signing up, this year’s slate of clients will blow you away – it’s an amazing list of top-tier editors, content marketing chiefs, and literary agents you won’t want to miss.
Find out more and register today! Then keep reading to learn more about the Client Connections 2025 lottery process and a prep session the Client Connections committee is hosting before the event to help you get the most of client meetings.
Client Connections 2025 Offers an Embarrassment of Client Riches
We squeezed in as many clients as possible in the available space at FIT – a total of 43. We deliberately invited the cream of the crop of clients, A-list outlets that pay excellent rates and are actively seeking out freelancers, content writers, and book authors to work with.
The number of participating clients means that ASJA professional members who register for this “speed dating for freelancers” event could potentially meet with as many as eight.
Clients participating in Client Connections 2025 include:
- Editors from AARP The Magazine, Next Avenue, Los Angeles Times, Fodor’s, The Guardian, Newsday, and Medscape.
- Content marketing firms, including Kingfish + Partners, Forbes Content & Design Studio, as well as new-to-us outlets such as Fortune Brand Studio, Scientific American Custom Media/Nature Research Custom Media, The American Kennel Club, and CO – by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
- Literary agents, book publishers, associations, medical organizations, and more.
See the entire Client Connections 2025 client list here.
How the Client Connections 2025 Lottery Works
Once you’ve registered, start planning which clients you want to see at the event so you’re ready to fill out your Client Connections 2025 lottery form when the lottery opens on Friday, Jan. 24 at 9 a.m. Eastern time.
When the lottery opens, you can use the lottery form to choose up to eight clients to meet with. Rank your selections in order of preference. Choose carefully: all selections are final. Once you submit the form, it’s not possible to change your choices. The lottery will remain open through 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, Jan. 31. Client Connections attendees will be notified of the client meetings they secured by Friday, Feb. 7.
When choosing clients to meet with, consider the following: if you select eight of the most popular outlets or agencies, there’s a good chance you’ll “win” one or two meetings. If you choose clients that might be less well known–but still pay well–you’ll have a better chance of securing more meetings.
When you sign up for Client Connections 2025, you can indicate your interest in volunteering at the event as a client liaison or room monitor – when you’re not meeting with clients, of course. Just click on the volunteer box on the form and provide your cell number.
Volunteering not only helps ASJA, it’s a way to get extra facetime with editors and agents. Volunteers also have the first shot at taking over a client meeting time should another member have to bow out at the last minute or miss their appointment, which happens occasionally. Client Connections 2025 needs 15 volunteers, so don’t wait to let us know you’re interested.
Volunteering has other benefits. The Client Connections committee holds an annual contest to see which ASJA member can recruit the most clients who sign up to attend. This year’s recruitment contest winner is Debbie Blumberg, who secured four: CO – by The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Forward, Martin Literary Management, and Barnard College. Like so many of us, Blumberg is traveling from afar to attend the event. Blumberg is paying her conference registration fee but ASJA is picking up the tab for her Client Connections 2025 fee. If you see her in the halls, give her a high five!
Attend the Client Connections 2025 Prep Session on Feb. 20
To make sure you get the most out of your meetings, Client Connections co-chairs Cari Shane, Richard Eisenberg, and I will host a prep session, “How to be FIT for Client Connections 2025,” on Feb. 20, at 4 p.m. Eastern time. Join us for this Zoom meeting to understand how to prepare for these short, one-on-one client networking meetings. Save the Zoom link and put it and the date on your calendar.
Client Connections is a monumental program – and one that can pay dividends. Even a single assignment can pay for the entire conference and travel costs, too. Sign up today!
Find the full ASJA 2025 conference schedule and register here.
To stay up to speed with news about the 2025 in-person conference and other ASJA events, subscribe to the ASJA Weekly newsletter, read ASJA Confidential blog or follow ASJA on LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.
K.J. Bannan has been an ASJA member for more than two decades. She is a freelance writer, editor, and moderator. Her work has appeared in a wide variety of consumer and B2B publications, including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Woman’s Day, and more. Bannan is also a content marketer who writes for some of the biggest brands out there. Since starting Personal Pitch, the precursor of Client Connections, more than 20 years ago, Bannan has made tens of thousands of dollars from the program. Just as important: she’s made life-long friends with the other volunteers and is never really alone in her office (because her ASJA friends are only an email or private message away)!